tam 發表於 2005-3-1 03:24


想說出來很久了, 大概兩星期前, 一個在香港己認識, (是電影圈中人) 最近兩年返北京拍戲, 他來溫哥華工作, 跟我說起他有去看北京的 "雪狼湖" , (以下是他說的話) :  這兩場的觀眾大部分不太懂音樂劇, 都是衝出學友去的, 有點浪費了學友的心血, 雖然此劇跟大型的國際性音樂劇還有些距離, 但作為第一次, 已令人讚賞, 相信之後的劇目會不斷改善, 在香港的電影圈, 和他合作過的藝人, 真的只有周潤發和張學友才讓人心服口服, 都是地位超然, 成就卓越, 却真摰友善, 親切謙和, 在工作以外, 比普通人更普通, 比平凡人更平凡, 而這種態度是出於自然, 不刻意的.
  我聽著很開心! :-D  :-D

sand 發表於 2005-3-1 13:49


tam 發表於 2005-3-1 14:04

:lol: 我還想說, 有一次我在私家車上播學友的 CD "活出生命", 同車其中有一個男孩子 (是土生土長的南美洲華僑, 十九歲 , 但不會聽或講中文, ) 他聽了  CD 一會, 很驚訝說了一句: SO GREAT! WHO IS THAT GUY? CAN U BORROW ME THIS ALBUM? 然後再來回聽了幾次, 他第一句學會哼的竟是  " 海哭的聲音" , 原來好的音樂真的打破語言和地域的障礙, 這件事令又我開心了幾天! :lol:

neihomai 發表於 2005-3-1 17:11

oh ya, go jacky!

and i love 周潤發 too, his acting is as good as jacky's singing :)

by the way, tam, are you a boy or a girl? ^^"

tam 發表於 2005-3-1 17:17

;-) YOU GUESS! ;-)

aliceyyc 發表於 2005-3-1 18:22


neihomai 發表於 2005-3-2 05:10

tam, haha, i have always thought you are a boy, but you said "同車其中有一個男孩子"
usually boys will just say "同車其中有一個friend" if the friend is the same sex.....hahaha

so....you are a girl then? ^^"

AL 發表於 2005-3-2 10:34

One day, I was playing Jacky's English album "Touch of love" in my car.  I forgot which song it was playing when my friend asked me, "Hey, why don't you play Jacky Cheung's song?"  She knows that I'm a big fan of Jacky's and she always hears Jacky's songs in my car so she expected some Jacky's songs.  I told her, "This is Jacky Cheung!"  Her husband who grew up in Canada, speaks Chinese but can't read Chinese, exclaimed, "What? This is Jacky Cheung?  I thought it was Sting!"

Another day, the same couple were on my car.  This time, I was playing various singer's songs.  This guy asked, "Who's singing?  So terrible!"  So I changed to Jacky's.  I remember I was playing the song "紅色", then I found that he was humming the song although he didn't know how to sing it. Ha!

neihomai 發表於 2005-3-2 11:54

One day, I was playing Jacky's English album "Touch of love" in my car. I forgot which song it was playing when my friend asked me, "Hey, why don't you play Jacky Cheung's song?" She knows that I'm a big fan of Jacky's and she always hears Jacky's songs in my car so she expected some Jacky's songs. I told her, "This is Jacky Cheung!" Her husband who grew up in Canada, speaks Chinese but can't read Chinese, exclaimed, "What? This is Jacky Cheung? I thought it was Sting!"

hi AL, just wondering, which song was it that he thought was sting? haha

AL 發表於 2005-3-2 12:21

I forgot which song.... probably "And then she hits me", but I'm not sure.  I think he didn't mean that Jacky's songs look similar to any of Sting's but what he meant is...  he didn't expect an Asian singer, ... meaning he felt that Jacky really sings like a Western singer... the mood, the feel, the way he sings and pronounces the words.... are just like a Western singer.
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