[影片]2004-11-20 CNN - TALK ASIA (1/3)

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faye 發表於 2004-11-21 00:54
小柏 發表於 2004-11-21 01:51
雖然聽不懂學友講什麼但我會努力看的 :-D
阿兆 發表於 2004-11-21 20:07
在節目裡我第一次看到『屈到病』的MV耶                                                                  不知有沒有哪位友迷有看過完整的MV呢?
我好好奇喔~~ :lol:
小克 發表於 2004-11-22 10:00
在節目裡我第一次看到『屈到病』的MV耶                                                                  不知有沒有哪位友迷有看過完整的MV呢?
我好好奇喔~~ :lol:[/quote]

因為我有原版的mv喔~ :lol:
bumbumhead 發表於 2004-11-22 10:57
hi.. was wondering if u have the second part of the video...

million thnx
sand 發表於 2004-11-22 22:54
[quote:88fd627640="bumbumhead"]hi.. was wondering if u have the second part of the video...

million thnx[/quote]

all are here  :idea:
韓小有 發表於 2004-11-23 01:36
今天聽我同學說新聞有播出學友在cnn的專訪片段時...還正可惜自己錯過了...沒想到晴天大大竟然放上來了!!! :)真是好開心喔 !!!
學友真的是太酷了 :D
AL 發表於 2004-11-24 11:00
Just wanted to write down their conversations.  I did it in a hurry, so please correct me if I made any mistakes.


Welcome to Talk Asia.  I'm Lorraine Hahn.  My guest this week is Hong Kong superstar Jacky Cheung.  It all began with a singing competition in 1984 beating 10,000 contestants, Cheung walked away with first prize and was snapped up by a record label.  His breakthrough came in 1991 with the mega Canto-pop hit "loving you a little more everyday".  Two years later, Cheung became the first Hong Kong singer to win out over the lucrative mandarin speaking market with the album "Goodbye kiss".  Since then, he's been showered with multiple singing accolades.  And releasing more than 60 albums so far isn't enough.  Jacky has appeared in dozens of films to critical acclaim.  Music critics say that at forty-three, Cheung is still without doubt one of the four if not the quote heavenly king of Canto-pop.

Jacky joins me now to tell me more about how he does it and much much more.  It's good to see you.  Thank you very much for coming in.

No, I've been looking forward to talk to you.

Why do you think you have continued to endure and be so popular as you are for so long?

I don't know.  The one theory that I believe is you have to keep working.  Well, as an artist, people just look at your work.  Some people might love your new things.  Some people might love your old things.  So you've got to keep doing somthing to explore yourself.

You know there's so much new talent coming up on the market these days.  Is that a concern for you?  Does it mean you have to be more on the board and more on the edge?

why? I mean...  once I was new to the other singers actually.  Now I'm, I'm one of the very...

veteran... (laugh)

senior, senior singer ok.  That's quite normal to me actually.  And I think the scenes need more new blood.

You are known for your ballads.  The songs that you sing are mostly...

I sing fast number

yes, you know.. I don't know why but you seem to be associated with ... you know these so romantic sort of songs.  Why is this?  Does it reflect to you as a person more than the fast pumping song?

First of all I think I didn't dance as good as Aaron Kwok... that's why.  And secondly I think I did have a few very popular ballad songs... so that's why people associate me..

you're very successful in breaking into the mandarin speaking market, Taiwan, China ... was it difficult to make that transition?

I have a little advantage because I was brought up in a Mandarin-speaking family actually.  My family's from Tianjin.  So my grandma, she's actually speaking mandarin only.

You've done different fast songs, rap albums, and English album too.  wow.. Why the diversity?  Is it a challenge for you or?

I love to keep moving actually that's why I've been trying different things.  Well I believe in that and that keeps me alive...I mean.. as I said you need to explore yourself, find more about yourself, try more new things to keep you alive, that's why I'm doing..  and I still believe in that and I keep doing that.

In your last album, your wrote all your songs, correct?


Wow.  What.. I mean why write? Why start writing?

It's all because ... ok... for certain time actually I felt quite lost in the market.  what i'm gonna do... if you consider the market, what kind of album can sell in the market now ... that might be a lot of reasons for the not-very-ideal market sales now...there might be a lot of reasons... but one thing i think is you really need to be yourself in the market, that's why i started to write something and the best way to tell people who you are is to write something about yourself and to tell them about yourself so I started writing some lyrics and some songs.

And you dedicated one of them to friends, your very close friends, right, Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung, who both passed away.

I think 2003 is quite a terrible year for many people in Hong Kong and of course in our scenes, we lost quite a few friends actually so it affected me a bit and it was just reflected in my album.

If you had one person in this world, anyone in this world that you could sing with, who would it be?

Elton John.

Elton John?  Wow.. you  know I interviewed him recently when he was in Hong Kong.  Yeah he's wonderful.  Why Elton John?

He's been my idol for so many years actually, since i was in my teenage.  And he's still standing there, remember one of his songs, "I'm still standing."  He's been struggling .. and this is the way I look into life and he's great and he can hold concert without any other musicians.  Just give him a piano and he can sit there and sing for three hours.

Oh even more.


Hit after hit.  Jacky, we're going to take a very short break.  Just ahead on Talk Asia, a clip of Jacky's breakout row and his earlier days, that's coming up.
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